
the rhizomZ-software is based on the rhizomZ-metatag-protocol. so every content can be get also from the meta-tags.


- is a multiuser collaborative software
- can handle several projects in the same platform

object types

- has different types of basic content-types like text, html, pdf, link etc.
- can handle tree structures and rhizom structures and also display them.
- every object can be referenced in a unique way with all its members.


- can structure data in classic tree form (filebasesystems) or in a rhizomatic / cyclic structure.


- has a right system with different rules for each project like web/platformuser and project-friends, users, staff.
- has different types to regulate new users and restrict it (emails etc)


- can fully be installed and configurated by in the web.
- is base on php and mysql (everybody can install it and is not )